Quest Active roles – Example of commands

Here are some Quest commands working with Active Directory :

Get-QADComputer Retrieve computer objects that match specified conditions.

Connect-QADService Connect to AD domain controller (or AD LDS)

Disconnect-QADService Disconnect from an AD domain controller

Get-QADGroup Retrieve groups that match specific conditions

Set-QADGroup Modify attributes of group(s)

New-QADGroup Create a new workgroup

Get-QADGroupMember Retrieve members of a group

Add-QADGroupMember Add one or more objects to a group

Remove-QADGroupMember Remove one or more members from a group

Get-QADMemberOf Retrieve group memberships of a particular object

Get-QADUser Retrieve users that match specific conditions

Set-QADUser Modify attributes of a user account

New-QADUser Create a new user account

Enable-QADUser Enable a user account

Move-QADObject Move an object to a new OU

Remove-QADObject Delete object(s) from Active Directory

Rename-QADObject Rename an object in Active Directory

Disable-QADUser Disable a user account

Unlock-QADUser Unlock a user account

Deprovision-QADUser Deprovision a user account in AD